AFS/Airport - ST005 POL Tank Farm
Diesel, Gas, Petroleim Product
DEC Database
Problem Severity
Current Use
Redevelopment Plan
Past Work on Site
Site used for bulk fuel storage since WWII. Diesel and gasoline range petroleum contamination resulting from releases of gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel. Benzene is the contaminant of highest concern. Based on site characterization, the volume of fuels in the subsurface is substantial, although only relatively minor releases have been documented. A gasoline fill stand lost an estimated 200 to 500 gallons in 1985. Valve pit #2 was the location of periodic leaks, and 10 to 15 gallons of aviation gasoline sludge were allowed to weather on the ground after tank cleaning every 3 years prior to the early 1980s. Air Force Installation Restoration Program Site ST005. Groundwater contains high concentrations of benzene and other petroleum constituents. Free phase petroleum product has been detected on the groundwater and intermittently recovered during cleanup operations, although product recovery has largely not been successful. The current remedial strategy is a combination of soil vapor extraction and air injection bioventing. The GAVTC school building is located over the contamination, and has a subsurface depressurization system operated and maintained by the Air Force to mitigate the vapor intrusion pathway. --Updated 2011-- In April 2010 a Work Plan for Site Inspection, Remedial Investigation, and Site Characterization Former Galena Forward Operating Location, Alaska was developed. The POL Tank Farm was identified as a candidate for the site characterization pathway. The goal of the site characterization is to characterize the nature and extent of contamination both laterally and vertically. The investigation at this site has been focused on separating out the potential individual source areas identified as source areas A-L. Approval of the site characterization report for this site is in the response to comments phase. Sampling at this site is expected to begin last summer 2011. Data from this sampling event should be available in the winter of 2011.