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AFS/Airport -AOC 023 (SS018) Waste Accum. Area


Chemicals, Petroleum Product



DEC Database



Problem Severity


Current Use


Redevelopment Plan


Past Work on Site

Detected contaminants include chlorinated solvents, petroleum constituents, and pesticides. BTEX, diesel range organic, and trichloroethene all detected above cleanup levels in the surface and subsurface soil. No organized groundwater monitoring program exists for the site, however, monitoring wells in the vicinity have been far below cleanup levels for the contaminants of concern. Large contaminants plumes from nearby sites surround the site; Million Gallon Hill to the west, and the Building 1845/1700 to the northeast. Formerly Air Force Installation Restoration Program Site SS006. The site is located upgradient of the base drinking water supply wells. Drinking water well sampling in 2003 and 2004 has not detected contaminants above cleanup levels, and the main airport drinking water well has been protected by an air stripper since 1996. Potential receptors include on-base residents and temporary contractors working in the area. The site is assigned a HIGH overall risk on the Air Force Relative Risk Evaluation Worksheet dated 8/29/95. --Update 2011-- The April 2010 Preliminary Assessment identified this site as a candidate for the site inspection phase. In August 2010 a field sampling plan for site inspection was developed. AOC023 was identified as a candidate for the remedial investigation pathway. The goal of the remedial investigation pathway is to characterize the nature and extent of soil contamination both laterally and vertically. The target analytes being investigated are: GRO, DRO, RRO, VOC, 1,2 DCA, EDB, SVOCs, dioxane, PAHs, pesticides, PCBs, and metals. This site was also analyzed for possible analytes based on a 500ft radius from the site boundary. The target analyst list for this site was not modified based on this analysis because all analytes were already included in the list. Sampling during the 2010 field season was aimed at filling the data gaps in the known contamination areas, delineate the nature and extent of contamination, and to evaluate the degree to which the contamination is contributing to the underlying comingled groundwater plumes. 2010 sampling was implemented in accordance with the final field sampling plan, and in 2011 additional step-outs were approved to delineate the extent of petroleum and pesticide contamination. TCE is found through out sites at low levels, not indicative of a source area. A petroleum source area near a buried pipeline was also identified. SC investigation activities continue in 2011.


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