Ethics Policy and Conflict of Interest Statement
Example of QAPP (2007)
Federal Statutory Opportunities for the Protection of the Yukon River Watershed in Alaska and the Yukon Territory: a handbook of domestic statutory strategies (2005)
Indigenous Research Protocol: Ensure the Proper Use and Protection of your Knowledge
International Opportunities for the Protection of the Yukon River Watershed: a handbook of strategies
Request for Proposal to Preform a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment in Rural Alaska (2016)
Request for Proposal to Preform a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment in Rural Alaska (2016)
Master Minutes: 2005 Bi-Annual Summit-Moosehide Village, Dawson City, YT
QAPP Template (2004)
YRITWC Brownfields Site Inventory Guide
YRITWC Intellectual Property and Confidentiality Statement
YRITWC Research Ethics
Yukon River Watershed Affiliated Organization Agreement
Yukon River Watershed Plan/Implementation in YT & BC: Model Water Quality Legislation (2014)
Yukon River Watershed Plan/Implementation in Alaska: Model Ordinance (2014)
Yukon River Watershed Plan (2013)