AFS/Airport - FT001 Fire Train. Area
Diesel, Gas, Petroleum Product
DEC Database
Problem Severity
Current Use
Redevelopment Plan
Past Work on Site
The former Fire Protection Training Area is located at the far eastern end of the airport runway, within the flood protection dike wall. The area used for fire training covers 476,000 square feet. Fuel and flammable liquid wastes were sprayed onto items to start fires for firefighting practice. 300 to 500 gallons of fuel would be used for each fire training drill. The site consists of an unlined shallow burn pit surrounded by a small sand and gravel dike. The dates of operation were approximately from 1950 till 1991. Air Force Installation Restoration Program Site FT001. The Remedial Investigation that addresses this site is currently under preparation. Soil contamination was documented in site investigations conducted in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Groundwater monitoring has been conducted since the late 1980s. --Updated 2011-- Fire Protection Training Area (FPTA) used for training activities from the 1950’s to 1991. It contained an aircraft mock-up surrounded by several fuel sprayers. The sprayers were fed by an underground fuel pipeline that ran from the FPTA circle to an aboveground standpipe, approximately 300 feet to the south. In April 2010 a Work Plan for Site Inspection, Remedial Investigation, and Site Characterization Former Galena Forward Operating Location, Alaska was developed. Fire Training Area was identified as a candidate for the remedial investigation pathway. The goal of the remedial investigation pathway is to characterize nature and extent of contamination both laterally and vertically. Target analytes at this site are: DRO, GRO, RRO, VOCs, SVOCs, PAHs, pesticides, dioxins/furans, metals, PCBs, and 1,2 DCA and EDB. This site was also analyzed for possible analytes based on a 500ft radius from site boundary. All analytes from the 500ft radius were already included in the target analyte list. By the end of the 2010 field season, the nature and extent of contamination in soil was delineated. Additional step out samplig is planned for future investigations to delineate the nature and extent of groundwater contamination to the south of the site. This is complicated by the proximity of the site to the Yukon River and the active runway. Emerging contaminants (per florinated compounds) were included in the 2012 sampling events at the site. PFOA and PFOS were positivly identified.