AFS/Airport - LF012 Historic Landfill SW of Triangle
Chemicals, Lead
DEC Database
Problem Severity
Current Use
Redevelopment Plan
Past Work on Site
The Historic Closed Landfill site, otherwise known as LF012, is the site of a closed landfill southwest of the cantonment triangle at the Galena AFS/Airport. In 1993, The Radian Corportation used EM to detect several metal anomalies underneath the surface at the site. LF012 was also sampled in July and October 1995 for evidence of contamination on the soil surface, in the surface water, and in the down-gradient groundwater. Chromium (up to 0.52 mg/L), arsenic (up to .034 mg/L), vanadium (up to 0.22 mg/L), and lead (up to .053 mg/L) were measured above ADEC Method Two cleanup levels in the groundwater and surface water samples taken in the July sampling event. Though there was work performed in 2011 and 2012 to establish background concentrations of RCRA metals in the Galena groundwater, there are no agreed upon background levels for the groundwater in the region. Monitoring well MW-02 was relocated at this landfill in 2012, though it was found to be unusable. No other monitoring wells at the site could be located. Drums were found buried at the site, though no sampling has been conducted to determine if petroleum contamination is present. DRO, GRO and RRO analytical sampling must be completed at this site before it can be closed.