AFS/Airport - DSWD (DP023) Disposal Site West of Dike
Diesel, PCBs, Petroleum Product
DEC Database
Problem Severity
Current Use
Redevelopment Plan
Past Work on Site
Disposal Site West of Dike (DSWD) is located south and southwest of Million Gallon Hill. Surface debris have been removed from this location, however a former disposal trench occurs within the surface debris area that is suspected to have contained used transformers. The area is frequently flooded. 2011 sampling indicated, DRO, RRO, and benzene above cleanup levels in groundwater, and PCBs, metals, and SVOCs above cleanup levels in soil. The area is underlain by a petroleum-contaminated groundwater plume which has migrated from advancement of Million Gallon Hill releases. -Update 2013- Site investigation (SI) in 2011 confirmed the presence of PAH and PCB contamination above the ADEC Method two, Table B cleanup levels. The site was originally on the SI pathway, but was changed to a remedial investigation (RI) based on the PCB contamination identified.