AFS/Airport - SS016 Bldg 2541 Former POL Fuels Lab
Chemicals, Diesel, Gas, Petroleum Product
DEC Database
Problem Severity
Current Use
Redevelopment Plan
Past Work on Site
Site SS016 consisted of the former UST 2541 area and inactive diesel fuel, arctic grade (DFA) and JP-4 fuel pipelines in the vicinity of the former POL laboratory known as Building 2541. The area is currently occupied by the Bureau of Land Management during the summer months as an aircraft parking and staging area to support firefighting activities in the region. There are currently no buildings at Site SS016 that were associated with the former POL Laboratory. UST 2541 (documented under Hazard ID 23152) was removed in 1998. Two confirmation soil samples were collected in 1999. Results of the 1999 sampling indicated that soil contamination remained in the western area of the UST excavation; however, the soil samples collected in 1999 were limited in extent and were analyzed for DRO only. In 2001 the Air Force collected soil and groundwater samples as part of a follow-on UST investigation report to determine the extent of contamination. The 2001 sampling indicated GRO, DRO, benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, total xylenes, and naphthalene in soil near former UST 2541 and south of the tank at concentrations exceeding their respective soil extent SLs. GRO, DRO, and benzene were detected in groundwater at former UST 2541 and 100 feet down-gradient of the tank at concentrations exceeding the groundwater extent SLs and Method Two CULs. During Site Characterization conducted in 2011, DRO, GRO, and fuel-related VOCs were found above cleanup levels in the soil and the groundwater. DRO exceeded ADEC CULs for groundwater in two general areas: the former UST excavation and along the fuel pipelines. GRO exceeds ADEC CULs for groundwater only in the area of the former UST excavation. Fuel related VOCs, including benzene, ethylbenzene, EDB, and toluene, exceed ADEC CULs for groundwater only in wells and borings located in the area south of former Building 2541. The Air Force completed an interim removal action in 2013. Approximately 8,700 cubic yards of DRO/POL contaminated soil was excavated and removed from the site. The soil was transported to the Galena Landfarm for stockpiling and treatment. The 2013 action removed the area of contamination and the concrete ballast pad associated with UST2541. Approximately 250 linear feet of abandoned fuel pipeline was also removed. Although the removal action addressed the highest levels of contamination on site and removed the abandoned pipeline section and UST location, additional contamination above ADEC CULs for soil and groundwater remains at Site SS016. Groundwater monitoring is ongoing. Additional Soil removal actions may be required.