Kalakaket Creek RRS - POL Tank 1
Diesel, Petroleum Product
DEC Database
Problem Severity
Current Use
Redevelopment Plan
Past Work on Site
Leaking aboveground storage tank has impacted groundwater near the Airstrip at lower camp. Fuel lines extend from the Aircraft Offloading Hydrant on the Airstrip and to a above ground fuel stroage tank which discharged to a truck fueling station in close proximity to the tank. Contamination exists in two areas at this site, the Aircraft off loading hydrant, and downgradient of the POL tank and truck fill stand where contaminants impacted groundwater and soil concentrations exceed the health based cleanup levels. The maximum concentration was detected in a sample at the truck fueling station which detected DRO at 36,600 mg/kg in surface soil. However, soil contamination near the off loading hydrant did not exceed health based concentrations, and groundwater was not encountered in borings to bedrock in this area. DRO was detected in groundwater at the truck refueling hydrant at 960 mg/L, RRO also exceeds migration to groundwater cleanup levels at 6.7 mg/L. Site is not located near a reasonable water intake due to the remote nature of the site and the availability of other nearby drinking water sources. In addition recharge on the monitoring wells was extremely slow making it difficult to obtain enought water to collect a sample. The 2009 remedial action concentrated on soil near the truck fill stand because this area exceeded inhalation and ingestion cleanup levels. Confirmation samples taken at the limits of the excavatio contained DRO up to 369 mg/kg, and RRO to approximately 90 mg/kg. Groundwater monitoring is recommended. The February 2010 Decision Document states that the selected remedy for contaminated soil at this site included excavation of soils contaminated with greater than DEC Method 2 ingestion cleanup levels for DRO, GRO, and RRO. The excavated soil would then be landspread. ICs to limit site accesss and and exposure have been implemented and recorded in USAF Real Property Record. This included restricting excavation and disturbance of the petroleum contaminated soil. Site inspection and report on ICs shall be submitted once every 5 years. Finally a SAP will be submitted to DEC for approval prior to removal of ICs. For contaminated groundwater the February 2010 Decision Document states that the MW at PT1 will be monitored annually for VOCs, PAHs, DRO, and RRO. This frequency may be revised after 5 yrs by DEC. A sample report will be submitted that compares the current results with historic results. ICs to limit site access and exposure have been implemented and recorded in USAF Real Property Record. This included restricting excavation and drilling in petroleum contaminated groundwater. --Updated August 2011-- Site is currently in long term monitoring status. The Work Plan for Long Term Monitoring at this site was approved on 8/18/2011. The first round of long term monitoring samples are expected to be taken during the summer of 2011. --Updated November 2014-- Long term monitoring results from 2011 identified DRO above Table C, groundwater cleanup levels. DRO was identified in two wells, PT1-SB01 and PT1-SB09 at concentrations of 1,960 ug/L and 3,600 ug/L respectively.