Airfield Site - Former ACS Site Generator and Tower Supports
Diesel, Petroleum Product
Problem Severity
Current Use
Redevelopment Plan
DEC Database
Past Work on Site
The Tanacross Airfield Site comprises of 7,705 acres and is located approximately 12 miles northwest of Tok. The military occupied the site from May 1941 through October 1945. After the war ended, the facility was turned over to the Civil Aeronautics Administration (CAA) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Over the years several additional agencies including the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the Army, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), and the Alaska Fire Service (AFS), have used portions of the site and adjacnet land at varying times. During the demolition of building debris and concrete supports, approximately 53 cubic yards of DRO contaminated soil was identified within close proximity of the generator supports and footers at a maximum depth of 10 feet bgs. One analytical sample and a duplicate were collected from the area. DRO levels were 2,880 and 1,890 mg/kg. At this time, no groundwater investigation has been completed at the site. EPA IDs AK7141190085 and AKSFN1002144 --CERCLIS site